Mac Expos

The Challenge

Mac Expos produces regional tradeshows for wholesale furniture and landscaping professionals that brings buyers and sellers together for extraordinary multi-day events. The company was beginning to see cost inefficiences in their direct mail marketing strategy and wanted to bring down their cost per new customer acquisition. KPI Conversions pitched Google Search Ads as a solution. Mac Expos agreed and we immediately got to work engineering campaigns with the goal of increasing attendence at a lower cost per new customer. 


Our Solution

KPI Conversions segmented the targeting. We performed in-depth keyword research for each vertical. We analyzed user data patterns from multiple vantage points. Data analysis helped us to identify a baseline of our most engaged audiences. Further research activated a high converting segment upon which ads budget was shifted to.


Targeted Ads

KPI Conversions specifically targeted ads to decision makers matching a particular job title at companies matching a certain industry we chose. Keyword refinements were continually made throughout the campaign. Smart Goals were activated and remarketing initiated to accelerate campaign performance. 


What We Acheived

Results that speak for themselves.

Build Awareness

103,000 Impressions

200x increase in unique visitors

6.4% click-thru-rate

Influence Consideration

50% increase in sales

30% increase in calls

x5 increase in social media engagement

Drive Action

Lowered cost per lead by 60%

18% ROAS

15.4% conversion rate

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How can we help you?

Are you looking to grow sales, leads and website traffic? We have the tools and experience to help take your business to the next level. Schedule a meeting and let's  develop a personalized marketing strategy laser focused on achieving your goals.

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