Search Engine Optimization Foundations

In Thought Leadership by Sir_Charlie Horse

Anyone who has been tasked with increasing online sales, website conversions or growing a customer database most likely has a passing knowledge of SEO. But for a metric so important to business success, is a passing knowledge enough? SEO is defined by David Booth in his course Search Engine Optimization on as – “the process of making improvements on …

What does Success look like?

In Thought Leadership by Sir_Charlie Horse

Pop Quiz: What is the 2nd next largest search engine next to Google? No peeking. You might think it was Google’s traditional search engine competitors: Microsoft’s Bing, Yahoo’s Search Engine, perhaps even a cohort of upstarts nipping at the tech giants heels, perhaps DuckDuckGo, Quora, Dogpile? But you would be wrong if you selected any of those search engines for …