Redirect Health

The Challenge

Redirect Health is a medical center that operates 3 local doctors offices located in Phoenix, Arizona. Redirect Health also sells a health insurance plan that enrolls users into coverage packages. Redirect Health was seeing declining new patient numbers and wanted to grow their new individual and family plan enrollments.


Our Solution

KPI Conversions approach was to design fresh ads creative that appealed to the target audience. We collected patient feedback and listened  to their pain points. We analyzed bounce rate data collected on the patient portal. We identified areas where the user experience could be improved. For the individual and family care enrollments we designed fresh new ads creative. We improved our trust with users by including actual doctors in the ads who worked in the offices. We identified our unique value propositions and worked to include that within our messaging. 



Creative Refresh

We created a brand refresh built off of patient feedback and user experience data. We incorporated real people into the ads campaigns to demonstrate our authenticity and earn trust. We improved the user signup funnels and provided more resources to address specific pain points in the customer journey. 


What We Acheived

Results that speak for themselves.

Build Awareness

800% increase in new users

400x increase in new sessions

75% decrease in user bounce rate from the website

Influence Consideration

200x new social media followers

800x increase in phone calls

300x increase in form submissions

Drive Action

1000% increase in average new monthly patients

500% increase in new individual & family enrollments

200% increase in total customer Lifetime Value

We can help grow your business. Call us and learn how.

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Are you looking to grow sales, leads and website traffic? We have the tools and experience to help take your business to the next level. Schedule a meeting and let's  develop a personalized marketing strategy laser focused on achieving your goals.

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