KPIConversions – What it Means

In News by Sir_Charlie Horse

KPI is short for Key Performance Indicators. Conversion is a website goal based on business objectives that is completed task by the User.

KPIConversions business goal is to work alongside the business stakeholders to identify the specific areas of the business that they are seeking to improve. This could be anything from an increase in new website visitor traffic, to expanding the customer database signup list, to growing online sales revenue.

A-B-C’s of Digital Marketing

Using Google Analytics, we can take a picture of your website that can explain to us 3 very simple and powerful questions:

  1. Acquisition – How did people arrive at your website?
  2. Behavior – What did people do on your website?
  3. Conversion – What is the number of business objectives completed?

Analyzing the data points over time paints a landscape from which we can derive even more valuable information about our current customers as well as our new visitors.