Dollar Shave Club – growing shave club subscriptions

In Unique Digital Marketing Campaigns by Sir_Charlie Horse

Dollar Shave Club wanted to reach new audiences and increase subscriptions of its razors, blades and grooming products more efficiently with Facebook ads that were quick and easy to run.

The campaign resulted in the following success metrics:

  • 1.5x increase in subscriptions
  • 30% decrease in cost per subscription
  • 1.6 million people reached

How did they do it?

To get more people to subscribe to it’s online membership in a quick and efficient way, Dollar Shave Club repurposed some existing creative along with assets from it’s website landing page to create a full screen Canvas in conjunction with an ad in collection format in News Feed.

When people clicked the ad, they entered into Canvas’ seamless and full screen experience. This allowed Dollar Shave Club to engage with potential subscribers and acquire new customers by merchandising it’s subscriptions.

The Dollar Shave Club targeted this dual ad format to men in the US aged 18-65. Using the same creative, it then tested and compared the collection ad format and Canvas against its traditional link ads.

Dollar Shave Club’s joint ad unit – using the collection ad format and Canvas – created a uniquely immersive experience that successfully attracted new club members and encouraged them to sign up.

Facebook Ads and Dollar Shave Club – a winning combination for growth!