Measurement Plan

In Promotions by Sir_Charlie Horse

For every great marketing strategy there is a foundational measurement plan supporting it.  Quantifying the data paints a vivid portrait when observed from 50,000 feet in the air. Quantifying the data and measuring it over a time period gives us insight into wether our marketing efforts are hitting the mark or falling short.

Measuring Data with Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a powerful browser based application that we can customize to track key performance indicators.

We can track certain valuable Acquisition metrics that will tell us how Users arrived at our site including:

  • Browser version
  • Geographical location
  • Tech specs – Mobile, desktop or tablet

If for example, we notice an uptick in New Visitors arriving on a Chrome browser using a Desktop computer and we also happen to observe a high Bounce Rate for these same visitors, that is to say visitors that left our website after only looking at one page. What we can read from this data is that perhaps these Chrome desktop visitors are experiencing abnormally long page load times and are leaving our website in frustration as a result. This would clearly be a pain point that we would want to fix to increase visitor traffic. We could then run speed tests specifically for Chrome on a desktop computer to ensure that there are no loading issues and we could fix any technical problems.

Next, we could measure our results in Google Analytics a second time to accurately measure if we have decreased the Bounce Rate for our Chrome desktop users.